AltSoU is launching its crowdfunding campaign !
Why are we raising money for?
How is altSOU organised?
AltSOU is organised by researchers on a volunteer based. AltSOU aims to create inclusive, non-hierachichal, non-elitist, democratic spaces for debate that are open to all beyond the university’s ivory tower. AltSOU activities are mostly taking place on the EUI campus and online, and make use of the university’ premises and equipement.
How is it funded?
AltSOU has no source of funding. However, some of our events are being sponsored by EUI faculty members who contributed with their research budget. This financial support allow us to cover the travel costs of some external speakers.
Why do we need money for?
AltSOU organisation involved some costs that are currently not covered:
– Logistical expenses (website, cost related to communication, design and printing)
– Travel costs and accomodation fees for external guests which are not already covered by other funding
– Meals for speakers and organisers during the altSOU
– Speaker fees for certain guests. (atlSOU organisers are concerned with the reproduction of structural and systemic inequalities. Therefore, we believe that external speakers who are in a precarious work position or currently unemployed should be compensated for their participation).
What if we have money left?
No worry, altSOU won’t accumulate capital! Any additional money will go towards enhancing our commitment to social justice causes and organising future altSOU events!
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